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20-02-2020, 14:49
Tomb Raider Omnibus Vol. 1-2
Tomb Raider Omnibus Vol. 1-2 (2019-2020)
English | CBR | 1.4 GB

Collected in a omnibus for the very first time, and with over 450 pages of material, this is a must-have for all Tomb Raider fans! This collection fully compiles issues #1-#18 of Dark Horse’s 2014 Tomb Raider series, as well as a bonus prequel issue to Crystal Dynamics’ highly successful 2013 reboot of the franchise, Tomb Raider: The Beginning.

Tomb Raider Omnibus Vol. 2 (2020) : The second and final omnibus volume in this series, this collection is jam-packed with over 480 pages of material. This omnibus collects issues #1-#12 of Dark Horse’s 2016 Tomb Raider Volume 2 series, as well as the most recent Tomb Raider: Survivor’s Crusade and Tomb Raider: Inferno complete story arcs.


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