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2-02-2021, 18:06
World of Warcraft 0-25
World of Warcraft 0-25 Issue
415 MB | English | CBR/zip |

At the time of its conception, the ongoing comic was set for two story arcs, both six issues each, and both set concurrently with the events of The Burning Crusade. In January 2010 the comic series was to be renamed "World of Warcraft: Alliance" and will be based on the Alliance even more strongly than the original. Another, based on the Horde, would have been released two weeks prior to that and would be called World of Warcraft: Horde. However, in December 2009 Wildstorm announced the comic series was coming to an end, to be replaced by a series of graphic novels instead.


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  • athena

  • 1 February 2021 21:57
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Dear All,

Link is broken for all the Warcraft magazines.

Will they be available?
  • Silver

  • 2 February 2021 18:06
Quote: athena
Dear All,

Link is broken for all the Warcraft magazines.

Will they be available?

Hi athena, new links added = )
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